When a previously successful business gets in trouble, the skill set required to save it-as I described it in my last entry-is radically different than that required to have previously built it. Not many can make the transformation; typically it takes a new CEO not emotionally tied to the assets, programs, products and people. Here's an example of the mind-set change required.
Say your family's finances have become really difficult and every dollar is meaningful. You think "I wish i hadn't just recently spent $500 on my new suit and had that money back." "I could sell it for $100 but I like that suit, I spent a lot of time finding it and getting fitted, that would be $400 lost and I'll eventually have to pay $500 for another new one." "So no way."
Now you're about to lose your home and your brother comes in to help. First thing he says is "we'll sell this suit and get $100 which we can use to help pay the mortgage." That's the idea--clearly an approach that is From The Other Side of the Looking Glass.