If you have several upper left hand corner persons on your team, Don’t-Lose-‘em’s, do a cartwheel. Usually there are only several in a couple dozen. This is the easiest-to-deal-with category. But don’t make the common mistake. Individuals with these quality-of-character and capability characteristics are way too hard to find, so do whatever it takes to keep this person fully motivated and fully compensated before external temptations appear. The common mistake is to skimp a little on compensation, to take him for granted because “he’s loyal, he won’t leave, he’s not looking”. All that may be true, but when an outstanding external offer does materialize, because of their nature they won’t play the game of counter-offers. He’s not likely to come to you with the offer and open negotiations; that’s not his style. The alternative consideration, providing for the family, will weigh heavily on his conscience. He’ll be mentally gone before you know it, in a way consistent with his high character quality. And you’ll lose, more ways than seem obvious at first.